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Upcoming Programs

Gettysburg's Rock Creek

Saturday, May 11, 2024
11:00 am12:00 pm
625 Biglerville Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Located along the eastern boundary of the Gettysburg National Military Park, Rock Creek was a formidable barrier to the Southern advance on Culp’s Hill during the second and third day of the battle. Much deeper due to several dams, it was once a popular swimming destination and local picnic area. But with virtually no access, and very little interpretation, the role that the creek played in the fighting and in the early history of our community is overlooked by modern visitors. Join historian and guide Timothy H. Smith as he highlights early views of the creek and discusses the story of Rock Creek during this free, public program.

This program is made possible by the generous support of Aero Energy.

© 2024 Adams County Historical Society

Any individual who financially qualifies, based upon level of income, may be granted free admission to the museum. The determination will be made by museum staff based upon that individual’s application for free admission.