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Upcoming Programs

Eternal Words: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Perspective

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
12:00 pm1:00 pm
Eternal Words: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Perspective Promotional Graphic

Embark on a captivating journey as we commemorate the 160th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. You are invited to the Adams County Historical Society for a special luncheon on Wednesday, November 15th, where we will be joined by acclaimed author and Lincoln Scholar Harold Holzer in conversation with filmmaker Jake Boritt, as they discuss the enduring significance of Lincoln's speech and its lasting impact around the world.

Tickets are $40/ACHS members and $50/general admission. Reserve your ticket here:

© 2024 Adams County Historical Society

Any individual who financially qualifies, based upon level of income, may be granted free admission to the museum. The determination will be made by museum staff based upon that individual’s application for free admission.