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Upcoming Programs

The Rose Farm: A Photographic Mystery Solved

Sunday, July 2, 2023
7:00 pm8:00 pm
The Rose Farm - A Photographic Mystery Solved


Perhaps the most significant historical revelation ever made on the Gettysburg Battlefield, William A. Frassanito’s 1967 discovery of the Rose Farm “death studies” sparked decades of research and battlefield exploration by amateur enthusiasts and historians alike. Join Frassanito and fellow Civil War photography expert Sue Boardman for a lively discussion about the Rose Farm and its special place in Gettysburg’s history.

Ticket holders to this event will also receive complimentary admission to Beyond the Battle Museum prior to the discussion.

© 2024 Adams County Historical Society

Any individual who financially qualifies, based upon level of income, may be granted free admission to the museum. The determination will be made by museum staff based upon that individual’s application for free admission.