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The Pfeffers of Gettysburg and the Relics of Battle

Saturday, July 1, 2023
3:00 pm4:00 pm
The Pfeffers of Gettysburg

Erik Dorr, a descendant of the Pfeffer family of Gettysburg, has amassed an incredible relic collection that began when his ancestors gathered debris left behind on their war-torn farm. Through images, stories, and stunning artifacts, Erik and historian Tim Smith will showcase the ordeal of one prominent Gettysburg family during the summer of 1863.

This is free, non-ticketed public event will be held in the Battlefield Overlook Event Center.

© 2024 Adams County Historical Society

Any individual who financially qualifies, based upon level of income, may be granted free admission to the museum. The determination will be made by museum staff based upon that individual’s application for free admission.