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The Fight for Barlow's Knoll

Thursday, June 8, 2023
7:00 pm8:00 pm
625 Biglerville Rd.
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Monument located on Howard Ave.

Join Larry Korczyk, LBG for a talk covering the desperate fighting between a division of Union soldiers from the Eleventh Corps under the command of General Francis Channing Barlow and a division of Confederate soldiers under the command of General Jubal Early.

The fight will occur on the afternoon of July 1 and result in what Larry calls “The Perfect Storm” where two Confederate Brigades will strike the Union position atop Blocher’s Knoll and rout the two undersized Union brigades of General Barlow defending the position. The Union defenders will fight valiantly and desperately but are overwhelmed by superior Confederate numbers and driven back in defeat, crushing the Union right flank north of the town of Gettysburg. See the field of battle where the action occurred from the windows of the new Adams County Historical Society building, hear of the combat from the words of the soldiers, experience the Perfect Storm.

"The Fight for Barlow's Knoll" is part of the 2023 Battlefield Overlook Speaker Series. Tickets are free for members and $10/non-members.

Reserve your tickets here:

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